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How To Batch Enter Transactions in QuickBooks?

If you are a QuickBooks user and wish to learn how to batch enter transactions in QuickBooks, this article is for you.

Here, I will teach you the steps to enter transactions by batch on QuickBooks desktop, how to delete and edit them by batch, and all the FAQs revolving around this topic.

With the batch entering feature, QuickBooks Online users can copy several transactions simultaneously from one file to another. This feature enables users to save time effectively and work efficiently. 

In QuickBooks (all supported versions), users can batch enter Bills, Invoices, Credit memos, Checks, Bill credits, Deposits, and Credit card charges.

Enter Batch Transactions in QuickBooks – Simple Steps

To know how to batch enter transactions in QuickBooks online and save your precious time, follow the steps given below – 

Step:1 Go to the Accountant menu and click on Batch Enter Transactions.

Step:2 Click on the transaction you wish to batch enter from the transaction type dropdown.

Bank Account Setup: Here, click on Add New to set up your bank account. Or you will encounter a dropdown, select the type of bank or credit card account you wish to use. 

Step:3 On your Spreadsheet, arrange the columns category-wise according to columns present on your Batch Transaction page.

Step:4 Press Ctrl+A, then Ctrl+V (Copy and paste) on the transaction you wish to copy from spreadsheets to your QuickBooks window.

Step:5 Click on Save to successfully save your progress.

Step:6 You can view the batch of transactions; click on Ok to complete the report.

Remember: If the company’s name is not listed in your spreadsheet, it won’t reflect on your QuickBooks page. (You’ll encounter the text in red colour). Click on Set Up or Quick Add to add that customer.

How to Delete Transactions By Batch in QuickBooks?

The QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 18.0, Desktop Premier Accountant 2018, Enterprise Accountant 2018, and its later versions have access to delete transactions by batch feature.

Following are the steps to delete transactions by batch in QuickBooks you can utilize for other versions of the QuickBooks Desktop browser:

Step:1 Select the batch transaction you wish to remove.

Step:2 Press Ctrl+D on your keyboard to delete it.

Tip: You can disable the delete warning feature on your QuickBooks which alerts you before deleting a transaction; you can directly complete the deletion process by using the keyboard. 

To disable the deleting feature: Click on Edit, Select Preferences, Go on General, and click on My Preferences. Remove the alert option.

How to Batch Edit Transactions in QuickBooks Desktop?

Below given are the steps you must follow to batch edit transactions in QuickBooks Desktop-

Step:1 Go to the Account Menu. Click on Lists option. Then, select Add/Edit Multiple List Entries.

Step:2 From that list, select the type of transaction list you wish to modify.

Step:3 Next, click on Customize Columns from the top right corner of your screen.

Step:4  Click on the columns you wish to edit and press on Add.

Step:5 Here, click on Move Down or Move Up to modify the order of the columns, or press Remove to delete it. To go back to the edit screen, click on Ok.

Step:6 To edit an entry; select the type of field and add the new details. Once done, click on Save Changes 

Following the steps above, you can edit multiple transactions in QuickBooks Desktop. Try it yourself now.

FAQs on Entering Batch Transactions in QuickBooks

Q.1 What is ‘Batch Enter Transactions’ in QuickBooks?

Batch entering transactions in QuickBooks means copying several transactions (deposits, checks, etc.) from your spreadsheet to your QuickBooks work file in one go. This process helps users save time and work efficiently with larger number of transactions. 

Q.2 How do I Enter a Batch Entry in QuickBooks?

Open Account Menu> Click on Batch enter transactions> Select transactions type> Arrange spreadsheet (you are working on)> Copy transactions from spreadsheet> Paste on QuickBooks file>  Click on Save>  Press Ok to finish report. By following this process, you can successfully batch enter transactions. 

Q.3 Can you Batch Enter Bills in QuickBooks?

Yes. You can batch enter bills in QuickBooks. To do so, click on transaction type from the batch enter transaction dropdown; select ‘Bills‘ as the type of transaction you want to work with. You may now proceed with the rest of the process.

Wrapping Up

You now know how to batch enter transactions and how to edit and delete them on QuickBooks online/desktop. Refer to the FAQs section or the QuickBooks customer support details if you have difficulty following the steps mentioned in the sections above.